Over the fourteen centuries of its existence, Islamic scholarship has produced numerous individuals who have acquired broad knowledge and deep insight. This work summarizes the thought of ten key personalities whose influence encompasses the vast majority of Muslims living today, whilst also describing their life, personality, and the civilization in which they lived.
- ISBN13: 9780860375708
- ISBN10: 0860375706
- Pages: 210
- Imprint: The Islamic Foundation
- Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd
- Publication Date: 09-02-2016
- Trim Size: 5.8 x 8.5 inches
- Formats: Paperback
EAN 13 / ISBN123567898
Authoraaqib 1111
Publisheraaqib organization
Data Sheet
EAN 13 / ISBN123567898
Authoraaqib 1111
Publisheraaqib organization
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